Paying by Credit/Debit Card or Setting Up ACH Payments
Please call the District office at 775-588-2571 to activate the process for using your credit/debit card or your checking/savings account to pay your bill.
The District will send an invoice to you via e-mail with a tab to submit your payment. Upon receipt of the invoice, you will need to enter the amount to be paid and your card or account information to submit your payment.
RHGID and the customer will receive an authorization number and receipt of the payment and provide the confirmation number to you.
RHGID will receive the actual cash two days after the payment is submitted. The payment will be posted to your account on the date the funds are actually received in the District’s bank account. The charge for this service is 2.9% of the payment amount plus $.30. The charge for deducting your checking/savings account will be $1.15. These fees will be calculated on the invoice and will be paid by the customer.
You may also download the Recurring Payment Authorization Form from the website
Please call the District if you have any questions.